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Curriculum credits

Graduation credits: 130 credits

Credits include:

Required: 65 credits

Electives: 25 credits

Required General Education: 6 credits

Elective General Education: 8 credits

Required University Course: 16 credits

Elective University Course: 10 credits

The purpose of the curriculum for freshman students is to give students a solid base in pronunciation and grammar. For sophomore and senior students, we carefully guide them toward the realm of Japanese language and society. As to the seniors, we emphasis on the courses of Japanese humanity, economy, business, and tourism which provide for the students who intend to study at graduate schools. The curriculum is classified as follows:

1.Language Courses: Beginners’ Japanese, Intermediate Japanese, Advanced Japanese, Japanese Grammar, Japanese Composition, Japanese Translation.

2.Language Practice Courses: Japanese Pronunciation, Japanese Lab Drills, Japanese Interpretation, Beginners’ Japanese Conversation, Intermediate Japanese Conversation, Advanced Japanese Conversation.

3.Business Courses: Japanese Economy, Japanese Business Management, Business Japanese, Japanese Dialogue, and Japanese Conversation.

4.Cultural and Tourism Courses: Japanese History, Japanese Society, Journalism Japanese, Tourism Japanese, Sino-Japanese Relationships, Japanese Humanity.

5.Further Studies Courses: Select Readings of Japanese Novels, Japanese History of Linterature, Linguistics, Japanese Pedagogy, Special Topics.

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